On International Roma and Sinti Day: music, poetry and testimonies. An event in Rome to promote inclusion

On the occasion of the International Day of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti, the Community of Sant'Egidio, in collaboration withtheUCRI (Union of Romanes Communities in Italy), organised an event to celebrate in the Benedict XIII Hall of the House of Friendship.

The celebration began with a concert of Balkan and traditional music performed by the "Romanì Project" orchestra, accompanied by recitation of poems by the Kosovan Roma poet Agim Sajti.
There were many direct testimonies from members of the Roma and Sinti communities, who shared their life experiences, the challenges they have faced and their hopes for the future. A unique opportunity to learn more about these people and to reflect on the issues of discrimination, inclusion and mutual respect.
"We speak different languages, we have different traditions, we come from different countries, but here today we are one people," said Alessandro Luciani of the Community of Sant'Egidio. "This beautiful and welcoming hall is the hall of the House of Friendship of Sant'Egidio. It is a hall that Roma and Sinti of Rome know well. It is a place of friendship, of solidarity. Today this hall is even more beautiful because it is enriched by the presence of so many friends."
Gennaro Spinelli, UCRI President, underlined the importance of the work done together to promote awareness and inclusion: "Finding the youth, the activists, the members of the Community of Sant'Egidio is truly a treasure. Let us remember that we are in the centre of Trastevere, we are in a beautiful place because beauty should be given to all, culture should be given to all. Because it is from culture and understanding that we arrive at coexistence. That world where everyone feels accepted, feels good, feels at ease, as it should be. Everyone of us in our own diversity and uniqueness, this is the world we aspire to. This is the world we want to go to together, walking hand in hand, and we have already been walking on this path together with Sant'Egidio."